Monday, September 8, 2014


OBSERVATION: Extremely friendly and helpful people.  Only met three negative people - and none of them were Irish!

OBSERVATION: Driving is stressful!  Manuevering around roundabouts. Driving on the left side. Narrow one-lane roads where one of the vehicles needs to back-up to let the other through.  People pushing babies in strollers and/or walking their dogs on 80 kph curving roads. Cyclists without helmets.   Driving into oncoming traffic (we did that twice). 

OBSERVATION: Where are all the salads and vegetables? We sometimes received a cherry tomato or two for breakfast.  A "salad" at a restaurant has been a few lettuce leaves with a sprinkling of shredded carrots although on day 15 we had amazing salads (Caeser and Cobb) at the Old Schoolhouse Bar in Swords.

OBSERVATION:  Where are all the street name signs?

OBSERVATION:  Flower boxes!  Love all the gorgeous flowers hanging from windows of homes and businesses.

 OBSERVATION:  Noticed several American beers sold in pints and Budweiser and Miller Light on draft.

OBSERVATION:  Interesting showers. Lots of dials and buttons. One required that a string be pulled.  We had to Google instructions for a couple of them.   We discovered later that some of the showers needed to be 'powered on'.

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