Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13 - Skibbereen - Taste of West Cork Festival

Jim enjoyed a full Irish breakfast again plus porridge.  My scambled eggs were especially rich and yellow - Kay explained that that the eggs were from her hens, which are free range.

Off to the farmers market. After checking out the stalls, we joined a free tour of the market. Our guide, Walter Ryan-Purcell, introduced us to most of the vendors who then explained their business and offered samples.  Walter is a Ryan from Limerick - his family is also near Borrisokane  so maybe he's another cousin!   

Jim and Walter Ryan-Purcell

 Walked back to the market for some coffee and to purchase some blackberry jams then checked out all the shops as well as an artists exhibition.  At lunch in the Super-Valu cafe Jim had an awesome panini and I enjoyed my daily scone and mocha.

We decided to explore the coast - a sign for "Baltimore" looked promising so we spent a few hours there on a secluded rocky beach and an old castle built in 1215.  Found tons of really buffed sea glass. The change in water level between low and high tide is tremendous in this town - easily 15 feet.

Arrived back at the B&B where Kay greeted us with more apple pie. We ate dinner in our room (wine plus fiber cereal plus milk plus brownie) for me and Murphy's beer plus fiber cereal plus nut bar for Jim.

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