Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14 - Skibbeeren to Dublin

Met 2 cyclists from France at breakfast this morning who had just started their 5 day journey yesterday in Cork.  Jim and I enjoyed our breakfast and visiting with Kay.  What a sweetheart!  She told us to come back again - next time with our grandchildren :-)

Kay & Jim
On our way to the Rock of Cashel. We stopped for a much-needed bathroom break in Fermoy at Annie's Cafe. We sprinted to the upstairs bathrooms, ordering a latte, Americano and scone on the way.  As I walked back to the table I heard pounding on the men's room door and heard Jim's voice on the other side. The handle had fallen off the door and he was locked inside.  I ran downstairs and told the waitress "my husband is locked in the men's room" to which she replied, " Do you want me to let him out? ". She was hilarious.  The chef used a kitchen knife to remove the latch and Jim was freed. 

Next stop Rock of Cashel. The tour guide was great and the castle (remains) were pretty amazing, but the hordes of tourists, tour busses and tourist shops were disappointing.

Rock of Cashel

At Rock of Cashel
About an hour down the road was Kilkenny Castle. Again, tour busses galore :-(   Not the kind of place we want to visit.

Kilkenny Castle

Kilkenny Castle
Back to Dublin - actually a suburb north of Dublin, Swords, tonight to stay with Jayne and David in a residential neighborhood full of town houses. We arrived around 7:30 to a house filled with little girls - there had been a birthday party.  Pretty tired and wrung out from a long day playing tourist and over 5 hours in the car.  Walked into town for a terrific dinner of salads (yes SALADS!) at the Old Schoolhouse Pub.  Walked home and crashed.

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