Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11 - Exploring the Dingle Peninsula

Another delicious breakfast.   Met two Danes who were walking the Dingle Way, having their luggage taken to a new B&B every day. 

Headed down to Dingle.  After getting some info at the tourist center and seeing petrified stegosaurus poop, we strolled the town looking at the shops.

Started driving along the coast. After a mocha and scone for me and an Americana for Jim at the Stonehouse   We found the "Fan" sign signaling the start of a portion of the Dingle Way.  The path was lined with purple, red, and yellow wild flowers and tons of blackberries (Jim ate a least a pint).  We passed several sheep along the way.  The view of the dingle bay we're breathtaking and though the sun was warm, the cool breeze kept us comfortable.

Blackberries everywhere!

So many beautiful wildflowers

We decided to follow the very narrow road along the coast.   I avoided looking out the window!  After stopping to view the scenery at Slea Head, we encountered a traffic jam as a tour bus tried to round a sharp corner with a line of cars in the other lane.  So... we decided to return the (safer) way we came!

Enjoyed our late afternoon wine and guiness and some delicious breadstick-type snack called "salted twists" at the picnic table at Lurraga House B&B, planning the next day's activities.

Lurraga House B&B

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