Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4 - Dublin to Nenagh

Another great Irish breakfast prepared by PJ. He also entertained us with jokes, crazy stories and folding napkins to look like chickens.

Bernadette marked up maps and noted all the sights that we should visit in our travels in Ireland.  She also shared a lot of information about herself, her family and the history of the B&B.

She called a cab for us (to pick up the rental car) and verified the cost. Picked up the car at EuropCar - they were so nice!  We hopped in our little Hyundai i10 and worked our way around the roundabouts onto N7 and M7.  
Our little Hyundai i10

St. Brigid's Cathedral

Stopped in Kildare and visited the  flea market and St. Brigid's Cathedral

Shopped at the local Tesco grocery store and had a pseudo-frappuccino in the attached coffeehouse, Costa, while Jim chugged a super-sized coffee.

Continued on towards our next destination, Nenagh. As we arrived in County Tipperary, we saw hundreds of blue and gold flags and banners -- Tipperary's colors (sorry, MSU fans) displayed for the upcoming national Hurling Championship between Tipp and County Kilkenny.

Tipperary flag

Traveled by Roscrae, where the Philomena story took place.  Even more interesting was seeing the road signs for the village of Moneygall, where Barack Obama (O'Bama?) has roots!

Our home for the next two days was Marysville B&B, just north of Nenagh. Our hosts were Mary and Willie Hayes. 

Took a look around Nenagh. Visited John Hanly Woolen Mills and spoke with shopkeeper, Una Corbett, for almost an hour.  She was delightful and, as we soon found out, knows Tom Ryan. Everyone knows Tom Ryan --- in fact, Tom is the reason we traveled to Nenagh. We have corresponded for several months via email and there is a very good possibility that we are related.  I have been looking forward to meeting him for a long time! 

Tom arrived at 7pm and drove us to Lough Derg, a large lake on the River Shannon, where we enjoyed dinner on the porch at the Whiskey Still Restaurant.  

Tom and Me
Lough Derg

Powell Brothers
Powell Brothers
After dinner, we headed to Powell Brothers, a pub where locals have met for over a century to discuss anything and everything. 

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