Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10 - Killarney National Park

In spite of the thin walls, I actually had a great night's sleep. When I opened the window shades, I discovered that some of the pretty shells that I collected on yesterday's beach walk were actually alive and had crawled up the window!

Began our journey to Killarney on a "road with no name" - a one-lane road over the Slieve Mountains which was terrifying to me but Jim thoroughly enjoyed it. 

"Road with No Name"

At Killarney National Park, we hiked up to Torc waterfall and beyond.  A beautiful and peaceful hike. Found some shamrocks!  Helped a group of Irish girls - one of them had fallen while running and injured her knee. She used my jacket "fleece" for a pillow while they called an ambulance.

Stopped for our afternoon coffee and scone in Killarney, then headed for Tralee. We stopped in what we thought was a grocery store but turned out to be more of a Big Lots where Jim found a bike jersey for 10 euro and cycling socks for 3 euro!  Visited a beautiful and very fragrant Rose Garden (with hundreds of varieties), and walked the streets.

Back to the B&B. sat outside on the picnic table and enjoyed a Guiness and refreshing glass (actually a half bottle) of white zin.

Decided to forego a dinner out so enjoyed a coffee cup full of cereal with nuts and pear.  Jim challenged me to a game of pool -  I swear I used to be pretty darn good but we both were pathetic!

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