Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9 - Westport to the Dingle Peninsula

Una, our host, made us a full Irish breakfast, then provided me with some ibuprofen to help with my dull wine headache.

Off to the Dingle Peninsula.  An interesting observation we've made - people cycling and walking along very busy roads - 60-100 km/hr. This morning we almost hit a woman pushing a twin stroller towards us!  

A very long 5-hour drive today - partly through some very rural areas.  Had a coffee pick-me-up at Clare's Tea Room along the way.

Continued on to Tralee and our B&B - Lurraga House where our host, Valerie, greeted us. Went for a tranquil walk to the beach right down the road at Tralee Bay --- met some adorable donkeys in a field who were sure that we would feed them :-)

Gathered up some pretty shells on the beach.  Later went for dinner at Seven Hogs Restaurant and felt like a hog after chowing down a huge chicken ciabatta sandwich and a mound of fries!

Relaxed back at the B&B until some new guests arrived in the room above us and we discovered how thin the walls were :-( 

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